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成绩 & G.P.A.


  • “A”表示作品质量高.
  • “B”的成绩表明你做得很好.
  • “C”表示可以接受.
  • 成绩“D”表示成绩达到最低及格水平.
  • 成绩为“E”表示未达到该课程的最低要求.
  • 成绩为“I”表示已完成大量令人满意的工作,但由于不可避免的情况而无法完成课程.

加减成绩可以附在字母成绩上. 成绩 awarded with a minus (“-”) indicate achievement at the lower limit for that grade; grades awarded with a plus (“+”) indicate achievement at the upper limit for that grade. 不接受“C-”的成绩来完成专业或辅修的部门要求,或在学生的专业或辅修的同源课程. 成绩 of "D" do not count toward fulfillment of departmental requirements for the major or the minor, 学生主修或辅修的同类课程也不接受“D”成绩. Fisk does not accept "D" or equivalent grades from other institutions in transfer toward a Fisk degree. “E”是不及格的分数, 没有达到课程的最低要求. 在某些情况下, the "E" grade is given when the student's work is incomplete or when the student has withdrawn from the course. A course for which the grade of "E" is given must be repeated and a higher grade earned, 如果需要信用.

绩点 平均

平均成绩是学生在菲斯克注册的每个学期计算的,也是学生整个本科生涯的累积平均成绩. 平均绩点(GPA)之所以重要,有几个原因. 首先,最少是2.0 GPA是本科阶段的毕业要求. There are GPA requirements for various academic honors and within the major field in many departments. 和, 最重要的是, 为了保持令人满意的学业进步并保持在菲斯克的良好地位,需要最低GPA成绩水平, 有资格获得经济援助. The student’s grade point average is computed by assigning points to Fisk courses on the student's transcript. The number of quality points assigned to specific grades for each credit hour of work is as follows:


信等级 绩点
A 4
A- 3.7
B+ 3.3
B 3
B- 2.7
C+ 2.3
C 2

平均绩点是通过将获得的总质量分数除以尝试的总学时数得出的, 在后者的总学时中,不包括成绩为“P”的学时," "F," "I,或“WD已被记录。. 当学生重修课程时, 在确定平均绩点时,只考虑最后收到的成绩. 不同院校的标准和做法各不相同:菲斯克的平均绩点只反映在澳门皇冠赌场平台完成的课程. 不考虑转学课程.

Acceptable standards of scholarship for Fisk undergraduates require a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0(“C”)或更高. 学业进展满意,达到要求2.在菲斯克的整个学生职业生涯中,必须保持0 GPA和学士学位要求的最低120个学时. The University recognizes that student performance may be affected by adverse personal circumstances. 在某些情况下, 学生可能希望考虑休假或退学,并与他们的学院学术顾问进行适当的咨询.  看到 大学的公告 浏览有关“令人满意的学术成绩”的资料.

不完整的 成绩

“I”(不完整)是指学生基本上完成了一门课的作业,但由于不可避免的情况(疾病或其他正当理由)缺少不超过两个不同的课程完成要求. The student must have achieved an average of "C" or better in work completed for the course, 并负责清楚了解完成课程和取消“I”的要求。. Work done must be submitted by the last day of classes during the next semester in which the student is enrolled, and the "I" grade must be removed by the end of the next semester during which the student is enrolled; otherwise it is automatically replaced with a failing grade (E).

通过/失败 成绩

在一些实验部分给出了及格/不及格的分数. 选择性及格/不及格评分也可用, 由学生选择, in order to provide wider opportunities for students to pursue courses outside the major field, without competition from students specializing in the discipline in which the course is offered. 在及格/不及格选项下,学生可以选择不超过12个小时的课程, 这门课程可能只适用于普通选修课.

“D”级或以上的成绩为“P”(及格). 低于“D”等级的作业被评为“F”(不及格)。. 及格/不及格成绩只适用于初级或高级学生, who are in good academic standing and enrolled for fourteen credit hours or more in the semester. No more than one course per semester may be taken on a pass/fail 基础 in the junior year, 大四每学期不超过两门. Students must indicate on their registration cards those courses they wish to take on a pass/fail

基础. Students enrolling on a pass/fail 基础 must meet the same standards of achievement as other students, 包括相同的出勤率和其他课程要求,如课堂背诵, 测试, 论文, 和考试. 注册主任将为每位教员提供费用, 在学期开始的时候, 该讲师的课程以及格/不及格为基础注册的学生名单. 学生不允许将他们的成绩从信级更改为及格/不及格, 反之亦然, 正常报名结束后. Credits earned by examination are also shown on the student's transcript with the grade of "P," and are not counted among the twelve hours of coursework permitted on the pass/fail 基础. (见 大学的公告 for more information on Credit By Examination) The requirement of junior or senior standing for pass/fail grading does not apply when "P" grades are assigned for credit by examination; nor are "P" graded credits,通过考试获得, subject to the usual pass/fail restriction specifying use of credit for general elective purposes only.

撤销 成绩

“WD”(退课)和“WF”(退课不及格)的成绩是给在学期的前几周注册了一门课程的学生, but has filed a properly approved withdrawal form with the Registrar before the beginning of the mid-semester examination period. 导师必须在退课表上注明同意. 当学生在期中考试开始之前向注册主任提交适当批准的退学表时,就会获得“WP”(撤回通过)的分数

期末考试的开始, 但前提是教师在正式成绩报告上证明该学生在退课时的成绩为“D”或更高. “WF”(退学不及格)是指学生在期中考试开始到期末考试开始前四周内向教务处提交一份适当批准的退学表,但导师在正式成绩报告上证明学生在退学时是不及格的. Any student who is failing a course and requests a withdrawal after this period will receive a grade of “E” Fail.

学期中段 成绩

所有在该讲师的课程中表现不理想(“C -”级或以下)的学生都需要从每位讲师那里获得期中报告. 注册主任会通知学生任何此类报告,并要求学生与他们的学院学术顾问会面,讨论表现不佳的可能原因,并制定改进计划.  The absence of a mid-semester deficiency report, however, does not constitute a passing grade. 因此,如果学生对自己的表现水平有任何疑问,学生有责任与教师保持联系.

年级 变化

为更正成绩报告,可更改成绩. 所有此类更改均由课程讲师发起,并由相应的系主任和学院院长批准,或在注册主任办公室记录之前.  一旦提交到注册主任办公室, grades are no longer the property of the instructor and cannot be changed because of a revision of the judgment of the instructor. 在任何情况下,不得在学期报告日期之后对新作业进行第二次考试或评估,以确保获得新的成绩.

年级 上诉

成绩为最终成绩. 但在某些特殊情况下,可允许更改职系. The Provost will evaluate appeals concerning a change of grade only if the following steps and procedures have been observed:

Step 1: The student shall seek a conference with and/or forward a written appeal to the instructor awarding the grade. 这一步骤应尽快进行,但绝对不迟于本学期评分后的第四周结束.

Step 2: If the instructor is no longer at Fisk or if the student is not satisfied with the outcome of the conference in Step 1, 可向开设该课程的系主任提出申诉. 上述申诉应在第1步会议结束后两周内提出,且不得迟于评出成绩的下一学期的第六周结束时提出. 学生应以书面形式提出上诉,说明更改成绩的所有理由并提供支持更改成绩的所有文件. Requests that do not include specific reasons and supporting documents will not be considered. The chair must notify the student regarding the result of the appeal within 30 days after the written request is submitted.

Step 3: If the student is not satisfied with the outcome of the appeal process in Step 2, 可向开设该课程的学校院长提出上诉. 学生应以书面形式提出上诉,说明更改成绩的所有理由并提供支持更改成绩的所有文件. Requests that do not go through Step 2 and that do not include specific reasons and supporting documents will not be considered.  The school dean must notify the student regarding the result of the appeal within 18 days after the written request was submitted.

Step 4: If the student is not satisfied with the outcome of the appeal process in Step 3, 可向教务长办公室提出最后上诉. This appeal should be made in writing by the student giving all reasons and the summary of the outcomes in Step 1 through 3. 未经过步骤1到步骤3的请求将不被考虑. 在仔细审阅了文件之后, 教务长办公室将通知申请人的最终决定.